Recapping The 30th Annual GLAAD Media Awards

Last night was the first installment of The 30th Annual GLAAD Media Awards and I wanted to touch on them real quick as they’re kind of a big deal. The second is May 4th in New York City. For those of you who don’t know, The GLAAD Awards are essentially the gay Oscars. It’s where the who’s who of the LGBT community comes together to honor one another for the work they’ve done “representing the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community and the issues that affect their lives.” My invite must’ve got lost in the mail, but I’ll get over it.

Anyway, the main difference between the GLAAD Media Awards and The Oscars is that the stuff the nominees are being recognized for actually matters. Seeing someone like you in film or television helps you be yourself. To put things in perspective, I’m twenty-nine years old and following along on social media seeing these people in all their glory made me giddy. Imagine how giddy a middle or high school kid still struggling to figuring things out would be? In short, the entire night does an immeasurable amount of good and it deserves more publicity than it’s getting, which is part of the reason why I’m writing about it. Moving on…

Obviously, the biggest story of the night was Jay Z and Beyonce accepting the Vanguard Award and Beyonce’s emotional speech honoring her late uncle.

(Shame on me for saying they wouldn’t show up)

But there were also a ton of other noteworthy moments. Queer Eye took home the award for Outstanding Reality Program.

Starz’s Vida won Best Comedy Program beating out last year’s winner Brooklyn Nine-nine. Love Simon won the award for Outstanding Film.

Here’s the full list of nominees and winners:

Outstanding Comedy Series
Brooklyn Nine-Nine (Season 5 on Fox)
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (The CW)
Dear White People (Netflix)
Modern Family (ABC)
One Day at a Time (Netflix)
Schitt’s Creek (Pop)
Superstore (NBC)
This Close (Sundance Now)
Vida (Starz) — WINNER
Will & Grace (NBC)

Outstanding Reality Program
American Idol (ABC)
I Am Jazz (TLC)
Love & Hip Hop (VH1)
Queer Eye (Netflix) — WINNER
RuPaul’s Drag Race (VH1)

Outstanding Film – Wide Release
Blockers (Universal)
Crazy Rich Asians (Warner Bros.)
Deadpool 2 (20th Century Fox)
The Girl in the Spider’s Web (Sony Pictures)
Love, Simon (20th Century Fox) – WINNER

Individual Episode (in a series w/o a regular LGBTQ character)
“King in the North,” Fresh Off the Boat
“Prom,” Fuller House
“Service,” Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
“She,” The Good Doctor
“Someplace Other Than Here,” The Guest Book — WINNER

Outstanding Documentary
Believer (HBO) — WINNER
Call Her Ganda (Breaking Glass Pictures)
My House (Viceland)
Quiet Heroes (Logo)
When the Beat Drops (Logo)

Outstanding Kids & Family Programming
Adventure Time (Cartoon Network)
Andi Mack (Disney Channel)
Anne With an E (Netflix)
She-Ra (Netflix)
Steven Universe (Cartoon Network) — WINNER

Stephen F. Kolzak Award: Sean Hayes
Outstanding Individual Episode (in a series w/o a regular LGBTQ character):“Someplace Other Than Here” The Guest Book
Outstanding Video Game: “The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset”
Outstanding Comic Book: “Exit Stage Left: The Snagglepuss Chronicles,” written by Mark Russell
Outstanding Magazine Article: “Can a Transgender Woman Get Justice in Texas?” by Nate Blakeslee (Texas Monthly)
Outstanding Magazine Overall Coverage: Variety
Special Recognition: “Nanette”
Special Recognition: “TransMilitary”

Like I said before, the next ceremony will take place Saturday, May 4th in New York. More categories will announced including Outstanding Drama Series and Outstanding TV-Movie or Limited Series. No word yet on whether or not they’ll have a “Best Gay Blogger In An Outrageously Heterosexual Office” category.

Some other notable moments include drag queen Shangela performing Beyonce IN FRONT OF Beyonce.

Apparently she loved it because she gave a standing ovation.

Lizzo performed

Sean Hayes had an interesting speech

And a bunch of other stuff happened that I would recap, but can’t find because it all took place on everyone’s Instagram story. I’m holding out for a press pass to the New York ceremony, but I’m not holding my breath. So if you know anyone who can get me in HOLLA ATCHA BOI. I’ll be watching regardless.








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