It's Time for Another Bipartisan Visit to 'Babes For Trump 2020'

No matter what you think about Donald J. Trump – and no matter what you think about Donald J. Trump you have to preface your remarks with “no matter what you think about Donald J. Trump” – you have to admit he is on a personal roll. If the last week or so was a Vegas trip, he’d be so up on the house they’d be comping him the penthouse suite they save for Middle Eastern princes and Yakuza bosses.

The Mueller Investigation came up empty after two years, 500 witnesses and 2,800 subpoenas. ISIS lost the last patch of ground they were in control of. Stormy Daniels’ lawyer got arrested for trying to run an extortion racket on Nike. The Green New Deal lost in a shutout. Even the mayor and police chief of Chicago are furious about an actor getting away with making up a story about two MAGA hat guys attacking him. And I don’t know about you, but twice a day I get an update from my investment people about how strong the economy looks. Hate him all you want, but you have to acknowledge he’s on a hot streak right now.

And so, with that, it’s as good an excuse as any to check in with one of my personal favorites, the Babes For Trump 2020 Instagram account in the spirit of bipartisan cooperation, reaching across the aisle and doing what’s best for the country, regardless of your political leanings.

Babes For Trump 2020 Celebrate the Mueller Report:

Babes For Trump 2020 Exercise Their 2nd Amendment Rights:

Babes for Trump 2020 Celebrate Diversity:

Babes For Trump 2020 Have Merch

Babes For Trump 2020 Love the Flag

Babes For Trump 2020 Celebrate … Small Government Conservatism? I Guess?

My Personal Favorite:

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