Johnny Drama Finally Has A Steady Gig And Now Plays For The Arizona Coyotes

I used to worry about Johnny Drama from time to time. Always one of my favorite characters in Entourage but god damnit Drama just find a steady gig. I mean, props to him for winning Best Supporting Actor at the end of the Entourage movie, but I always worried Drama would never find his niche, that is until I saw him playing for the Arizona Coyotes last night.

Johnny Drama, also known as 25-year-old Nick Cousins from Belleville Ontario led the Coyotes to a 1-0 victory of the Chicago Blackhawks last night. Drama has 26 points (7g, 19a) through 76 games played this season. Want to talk about a steady gig? Drama has played in every single game for the Coyotes this season.

Cousins got paid 1 million for this season as well, unfortunately in typical Johnny Drama fashion, his contract is up at the end of the season and he’ll be an RFA. But my guess is the Yotes will lock him up for the next few seasons, need guys like that in the room.

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