Williamsburg Moms Complaining That Construction Is Too Loud And Disruptive When They Take Their Babies For A Walk

WILLIAMSBURG — With stunning views, shiny amenity-stocked condos and a burgeoning community of young families, the Williamsburg waterfront may be prime real estate — but it’s also a baby-raising headache, some moms lament. Construction on new developments has been disrupting infants’ naps and outdoor strolls, stay-at-home parents and nannies say, claiming noise and flying dirt are rampant in the popular young family neighborhood. “It’s annoying to be outside with a baby, it’s loud and dusty,” said Northside Piers condo resident Vanessa Vellucci, who said construction has put a damper on spring walks with her 1-year-old Angelo and that it recently ruined his naps. “They were power drilling and he’d wake up hearing that dun, dun, dun…the building would almost shake.” Vellucci, who moved to the neighborhood from Manhattan two years ago, said she and her mom friends steer clear of walking their kids near the construction-filled blocks on North 4th, North 5th and North 6th Streets, as new construction rises from the ground at a rapid rate. “It’s gotten worse lately,” she said of the past several months. “When you go to work you don’t notice it, but when you’re a mom you’re walking all these streets every day…You just have to deal with it.” One mother said that construction near her Kent Avenue condo at the future site of an outpost of the popular spinning studio Soul-Cycle had been so disruptive that she resorted to bringing her baby to a cafe for naps. “I have a mom friend who is currently trying to move out of her apartment due to construction,” added the mother, who declined to give her name for fear of repercussions from her landlord.  And even nanny Magdalena Moreta said she worried over dirt hurting the 4-month-old boy she watches in the seemingly pristine area. “When there’s wind, dust blows in his face,” she said in Spanish. “It’s difficult, he cries.”

Here’s an idea for you asshole Brooklyn yuppies – stop taking your kids for a stroll through a goddam construction site. Or an even better idea – move the fuck out of the city if you wanna have kids. You won’t have to worry about bars enforcing curfews for your kids. You won’t have to worry about loud noises and dust from the construction. Because you’ll be in the suburbs where you fucking belong when you’re trying to have a family. I know you think you’re belong in the city. I know you think moving to the burbs makes you boring and old. But guess what? You’ve got fucking kids. You are boring and old.

The best part is the construction they are complaining about is probably like a brand new apartment building thats identical to the one they live in now. Its probably a new vegan restaurant or a organic grocery store or something else that makes Williamsburg so unique and amazing. But as soon as it gets dust in their baby’s eyes and keeps them from napping they’re up in arms. God I hate Williamsburg.

PS – No fucking chance that Spanish nanny gives a shit about dust in her kid’s face. She probably just made that shit up to fit in with the other moms being interviewed.

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