I Would Like To Take This Time To Announce That I Have Never Cummed On A Cat Either

May I have your attenton for a very impotant announcement. Thank you.

Since we’re all being open about our various alleged past incidents of ecautlating, I felt like I should realy get out in front of this one. Id like to take the opportunty to announce that I have never cummed on the following things:

-A cat that I owned

-With perhaps a few exceptons, any of you reading this right now. Can never be sure

-My neighbors youngest 2 cats

-My tablet and television when it was showing Michael Sam get drafted

-A non-lamnated cartoon illustration of a cat

-The front of my football follies VHS sleeve

-ANY alive cat

-Page 1 or 3 of a printed-out word document of a list of my favorite alltime cat’s

-Hanks future cat yet

Thank you for your time thank you for helpting me to get this off my chest (those were my last words to Brickles II before they buried her)

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