Wake Up Hungover On St. Patrick's Day With The Mobile Alabama Leprechaun Video

Watching the Mobile Alabama Leprechaun is perhaps the most important St. Paddy’s tradition we have in this world. Throwing on the sole green shirt in your closet, getting blacked out drunk before noon or scarfing down some corned beef and cabbage ain’t got shit on what is in my opinion the greatest YouTube video of all-time. Michael, Magic, and Bron all wrapped in one. I could rant and rave about how great the video is with moments like “Who all seen the leprechaun say yeah”, the leprechaun flute, “I want the gold”, the it may be a crackhead theory, and of course the most amateur sketch you will ever see that still gets a LOL from me all these years later.

But instead I will let my boy KFC do the honors and hope these videos ease all of you with massive hangovers from yesterday into a glorious Selection Sunday to kick off March Madness.

P.S. Finding out that Scott from the leprechaun video made it to the New Orleans news team after he appeared in this Jim Mora viral video was one of my favorite moments at Barstool.

Everybody that played a hand in the legend that is the Mobile Alabama Leprechaun deserve all the success in the world as well as their own pot of gold.

Have a great St. Patrick’s Day everybody!

Bonus PSA: Don’t worry if your poop is a weird color today or tomorrow since it’s more than likely because you ate/drank some green food coloring at some point this weekend. But if your poop is a weird color and you definitely didn’t have any food coloring this weekend, please consult your physician ASAP. Like right now.

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