Woman Drives 900 Miles Instead Of 38 Because Her GPS Told Her To


(DM) A Belgian woman took an astonishing 1,800 mile detour through six countries after her car navigation system went wrong. Sabine Moreau, 67, had intended to drive to Brussels from her home in Solre-sur-Sambre to pick up a friend from the train station – a journey of just 38 miles. But she took a catastrophic wrong turn and eventually ended up 900 miles away in Zagreb, Croatia. Despite crossing five borders and seeing multiple-language traffic signs, she did not stop to question her sat-nav until two days later when she realised that she may not be in Belgium any more. Although she stopped to refuel her car several times, Ms Moreau did not think her TomTom could be leading her down the wrong path. ‘I saw all kinds of traffic signs. First in French, then in German – Cologne, Aachen, Frankfurt,’ she told a Belgian news website. ‘But I didn’t ask myself any questions. I was just distracted, so I kept my foot down,’ she added. Police believe she crossed through France, Germany, Austria and Slovenia before finally getting to Croatia. Then she faced another 900 mile journey back to get to her home in Solre-sur-Sambre. By this stage her worried son had reported her missing to police.

Obviously this happened to a woman. Men know one thing when they get behind the wheel of a car: you go with your gut. Doesn’t matter what anything or anyone in the car is telling you, you go with your instincts. I get in the car and I expect everything is going to be lying to me. Check engine light is on? No I’m pretty sure that’s fine. Car says I need more gas? Yeah right, I got at least 50 miles left in this tank. GPS says take a right? I know I’ve never been to this state before but I really think I should stay straight here. Just feels right. Some may think that’s how you end up broken down, without gas in the middle of nowhere but those people are women and it’s only a matter of time before they take an 1800 mile detour when they just needed to go down the street. Men know technology lies. You can only trust yourself.

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