New Everett Principal In Hot Water For Making A Terminator Video To Introduce Himself To Students

EVERETT, Mass. (WHDH)A local high school principal is facing questions about a video he made and showed to his students. Some are calling it disturbing. It’s no surprise you can already find it on YouTube; a violent video shot at Everett High School. The more surprising twist is that the starring role is played by the school’s new principal.The video depicts a terrified woman, burning swing sets, empty classrooms, a man roaming the hallways, and a menacing message.The Naumannator is Erick Naumann. He made the video to introduce himself to the students at Everett High School where he’s the new principal. He started that job a couple weeks ago.“The violent portrayal is what’s upsetting parents,” said Fred Foresteire, Everett Schools Superintendent. “It’s inappropriate for a school setting especially given the atmosphere across the country as a result of the situations we’ve been having in schools,” said Foresteire.Fred Foresteire, the Superintendent of Everett Schools, calls his principal a respected man, a good leader and a visionary. He didn’t’ see the video before the principal played it during morning announcements.“He made the wrong decision. It sends the wrong message. That is not what we do here,” said Foresteire.Naumann couldn’t be reached for comment, but the school committee will decide what to make of his video message.

So the vibe I’m getting from all Everett students and alumni is that they really like the Naumannator. He’s been in the school system forever and they think he’s getting a raw deal here. He was just trying to connect with the kids blah, blah, blah. Listen he may be a great dude, but that still doesn’t change the fact that he’s an idiot. Like how dumb can you be to release this video 3 weeks after the Sandy Hook thing? It’s almost impossible to watch this and not think about school shootings. After all it’s kind of a sensitive subject right know ya know?  I can’t even get mad at PC police here for making a stink about this and that’s saying something. The Naumannator needs to just come forward and say he fucked up and will try not to be an idiot in the future. That’s the only play here.  Don’t get me wrong I didn’t hate the video, just F- for timing.


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