If You Follow The Mets On Twitter You Get Free Tickets

Mets.com – As a @Mets and @SNYtv Twitter follower you will receive a complimentary Mets ticket courtesy of SNY to one of the opening weekend (April 5-7) home games when the Mets host the Marlins.

Whats more embarrassing – begging for twitter followers? Or being such an embarrassing baseball franchise that you need to give away tickets to fill your stadium?

How about being an embarrassing sports franchise giving away tickets while begging for twitter followers? Next thing you know @Mets is gonna be tweeting at celebrities begging for retweets too. Personally I don’t know why people get so fired up about attendance and sell outs when arguing about their team. I don’t give a single fuck about how many people are in the stands for a Mets game. When your team is bad, the stadium is empty. When you’re team is good, the stadium is filled with bandwagon chicks and corporate douchebags. Which is worse? Personally I’d rather have cheap/free tickets and a stadium half filled with real fans than get priced out of games by Johnny Come Latelys because my team is the hot ticket.

I just don’t understand people’s obsessions with arguing that their team has “the best fans.” Who gives a shit about other people and if they are or are not rooting for your team? I’ve spent basically my whole life as the minority in New York rooting for the red headed step child and never once has it bothered me. I don’t care if my team isn’t cool or popular. Thats not why I’m rooting.

PS – The Mets creampie tweet is the funniest thing to ever be on twitter. Thats the only time I wish the Mets were more popular. That tweet could have broken the internet if more people followed the Mets.

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