Let's Break Down The 'Avengers: Endgame' Trailer

I’ll be honest, folks. I’m a little loopy right now. I just got out of a root canal, hence why this blog has taken so long for me to get to, and I’m a little loopy. I’m still here to break down the ‘Avengers: Endgame’ trailer, though, because in the words of the Earth’s Mightiest Heroes: “Whatever it takes.”

First off, let me address the BRILLIANT decision to use footage from the first twenty-one films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe to make up the majority of this trailer as to not give any more about ‘Endgame’ away. BRILLIANT move. Having it reworked into the black/white/red color-way was also great, as it differentiated between past/present, and just flat out looked cool.

We then begun as we began the last trailer, with Tony Stark stuck in space (alongside Nebula) recording what plays as a farewell message to Pepper Potts…

…don’t worry though, as we learn pretty quickly here, that won’t last for long.

We get a glimpse of Hawkeye teaching his daughter how to shoot with a bow-and-arrow, which I HIGHLY suspect will serve as Endgame’s opening scene…

…and that bitch is gon’ FADE, setting him off on his path for redemption, and vengeance, as RONIN…

…where he’ll reunite with Agent Natasha Romanoff, aka THE BLACK WIDOW, after the Avengers take the Quinjet to Tokyo…

Oh, and Black Widow has red hair again, which makes me very happy. Redhead Widow is the best Widow.

Somewhere along the way, Tony Stark and Nebula are finding their way back to Earth, as shown by this clip, where they’re rockin’ those FUCKING FIIIIIIIIRE Quantum Realm suits with the rest of the Squad…

…and I assume that Captain Marvel, who’s gotta be SUPER experienced in space travel by the time Endgame rolls around, will be the one who rescues them being she’s already at the Avengers Headquarters and not intimidated by Thor or his lil fuckin axe in the slightest

…but at the same time, Pepper Potts may be the one who does it as Rescue, being Gwyneth Paltrow spoiled the fact that she’ll be donning the suit yet again on her Instagram a few months back…

…and towards the end, the action picks up BIG TIME where we see the most badass shot in the history of cinema of Rocket Raccoon and War Machine…

…Thor and Nebula…

…and an extended shot of Captain America strapping up, as well as Ant-Man flippin off a pencil…

Overall, this trailer is the greatest mothafuckin thing I’ve ever seen, and it ain’t just because I’m all loopy right now. Every shot fired me up more than the last, and I love how dark and gritty it all looks. The final battle with Thanos may just be the most intense sequence of events I witness in my entire life, and I wouldn’t be surprised if people drop dead in the theaters on opening night from heart attacks brought on by it.

Oh, and we also got this sweet ass new poster:

Cap…Tony…all of you…whatever it takes. Godspeed.

P.S. People forget that’s we’re gonna actually hear the words, “AVENGERS…ASSEMBLE” in this flick. I mean…holy shit.

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