Alex Trebek Is Already Back Taping Jeopardy Episodes After Revealing He Has Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer Last Week

CNN- Alex Trebek is back at work, just as he said he would be, nearly one week after sharing his stage 4 pancreatic cancer diagnosis. Tuesday was the first scheduled day of production at “Jeopardy!” since Trebek’s announcement last Wednesday. “We are taping today, and Alex is here and behind his lectern as scheduled,” a spokeswoman for the beloved quiz show said Tuesday.

Who is Alex Trebek?

Go Trebek Go! I know Alex Trebek said that he was going to keep showing up to work after announcing that he had pancreatic cancer last week. But saying you are going to do something and actually doing something are two completely different things when news like this strikes. I don’t think anybody would have blamed Trebek if he decided to get away for a bit to enjoy the life he has built for himself after grinding in the broadcast industry 58(!!!) years ago. Instead he got behind his podium in front of a live studio audience to act as the maestro of game shows like he has done countless times before. As professional as it gets. Giants fans like myself didn’t want to get out of bed this morning because our star receiver got traded away while Alex Trebek continues to prove that all Canadians are #HockeyTough whether they are wearing pads or not.

I could ramble on some more about how much I love this man, but I think Ken Jennings summed up the way everybody feels about Trebek more than my dumbass could.

While these video cover almost everything else we love about him.

#FuckCancer #TrebekStrong

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