That Asshole Jazz Fan Now Has To Talk Shit From His House Because His Ass Is Officially Banned From Jazz Games

Live look at the Utah Jazz to that dickhead

Rough look for that guy who tried to lie and convince everyone he really didn’t say anything bad. Yeah OK man nobody believed you when you said it

and nobody believes you now. So to hear the team investigated the situation and it turned out exactly like we all thought isn’t all that surprising. What is surprising was there were reports this dude was actually going to fight it and sue Russell Westbrook. I’m not kidding

Wonder if he still plans on proceeding with that lawsuit after this is coming out. I would imagine he doesn’t. Honestly I don’t get why it’s so hard for people to not be complete assholes when they go to an NBA game but that’s a different discussion all together. I’m not really sure what this guy thought was going to happen once this became a huge story, of course people around him heard everything that went on and were going to talk to the team and the league. Was Westbrook wrong in what he said? Yeah to some degree, but this guy is an asshole through and through and should not be given the benefit of the doubt. I’m glad to see the team step up and ban him because if that Knicks fan can get banned for speaking truths to James Dolan, this piece of trash certainly deserves the same treatment.

Guys like Donovan Mitchell have come out and spoken on the subject and I thought he nailed it as well

Hopefully this helps prevent this sort of shit from happening in the future because honestly in my opinion it’s a little pathetic. Maybe it’s just because I couldn’t imagine as a grown man going to a basketball game and saying the type of shit this dude said to a professional athlete, that just seems weird to me. I know athletes have to learn to tune out the noise but that doesn’t mean fans shouldn’t be held accountable as well. KFC talks about it all the time, it’s not hard to go through life and just be normal. Don’t be an asshole and there won’t be any problems.

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