The Trailer For "Screwball", A Documentary About ARod And The Biogenesis PED Scandal, Was Released And it Looks AWESOME

I never noticed it until I watched this trailer, but we have needed a fun documentary about the PED scandals in baseball forever. Usually whenever I watch a story about steroids and baseball, it feels like an Outside The Lines report. Informative but dry as fuck.

However, it looks like Screwball is changing all that. That trailer felt like at the very least a very good 30 For 30 (Corben produced both of The U docs along with Cocaine Cowboys) with the potential to be as good as one of those fun Netflix documentaries that keeps me engaged the entire time regardless of if I cared about the subject matter beforehand or not and causes me to go down multiple Wikipedia rabbit holes about the people involved for days. I don’t know how you can beat a movie that appears to be part Moneyball, part Scarface, and part Sky’s The Limit music video.

R.I.P. B.I.G. who died exactly 22 years ago today

Not only does it seem to stay true to whatever crazy shit happened, but they also hit the type of shit that would appear on Barstool. Not just things like a $6,000/month cocaine budget or the inevitable “Who had more cheaters during our 2000s blood feud” arguments between Yankees and Red Sox fans, but stories involving Pitbull AKA Mr. Worldwide

Whatever stooges King Stooge Bud Selig hired once everything started to unravel

and of course the INFAMOUS mirror picture

has me thinking this is going to be great. In fact, the only thing missing from that trailer is my favorite character in the history of sports, Cousin Yuri. But if I get confirmation that there is a scene where ARod goes full Alpha and pees on Cousin Yuri’s rug, I have no choice but to give Screwball the Must Watch tag sight unseen.

UPDATE: Yup, it’s Must Watch!

*I am sorry if any part of this blog offends Big Cat’s other boss

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