Zion Went On Instagram Live In An Outfit With 12 Adidas Logos (Gasp) To Clearly Show They're In Negotiations...Or Maybe Because He's Just a College Kid Who Likes Adidas

Zion Williamson is going to sign a bajillion dollar shoe/endorsement deal when he declares for the NBA Draft in a month. This is no secret. There hasn’t been this hyped up of a college basketball player since probably LeBron. With all that considered, he’s 18 years old and loves wearing Adidas clothing. It’s legit all he wore growing up, playing in AAU and high school that was sponsored by them. So yesterday nerd Rovell saw Zion go on Insta live in an Adidas track suit with 12…count ‘em…12 Adidas logos.


As in one more than eleven??

God forbid a college kid wore some kind of clothing he likes as a person and wasn’t forced against his will to do it. Fucking Rovell. Let the kid live….and then rig the draft so he comes to the Knicks and saves us from purgatory.

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