California HS Students Get Busted For Creating IG Pages Rating Female Classmates

WGN – 

 A series of Instagram accounts has caused an uproar among parents and students at Valhalla High School.

Parents shared with KSWB an apparent rating page that showed pictures of female students paired with a graph that graded their appearance, body and personality. Multiple pages with a similar setup existed, but have since been deleted.

The Grossmont Union High School District shared a statement after word spread about the demeaning accounts:

Well these kids are fucking idiotic, and not just for ranking girls online.  That goes without say.  They’re morons for not knowing how to properly social media.

There should be a class in every HS in the country named “Social Media 101″ where the first lesson is don’t do or say anything on social media you even THINK you could get punished for.  Rating girls?  Keep it to yourself.  The 5 minutes of laughs you’ll get with your boys in the locker room before football practice won’t be worth the mountains of shit that will (deservedly) be dumped on you by parents and teachers alike.  Stuffing your face full of pizza and hot wings while watching the Super Bowl and threaten to chain yourself to a statue if a team you root for doesn’t acquire a star free agent before slipping into a food coma?  Don’t even THINK about sending that tweet.

It will always come back to haunt you.  Every. Single. Time.

Funny enough, I’m the only one in the Barstool Chicago crew who is really qualified to write this blog.  Eddie and Carl went to St. Pat’s and Brother Rice respectively, both all male schools, while Chief went to some New England prep school.

But me?  I’m just some heathen punk product of the public school system who went to Wheaton Warrenville South HS.  Truly a bad seed.  The other three guys didn’t have to worry about pulling off a Texas Tuck every passing period because the girl who sat in front of them in algebra had .3 inches of her thong sticking out.  All they had to worry about was getting beaten to shit with a ruler by nuns for breaking one of the 10 commandments.

Nevertheless, I think I speak for every 30ish year old person on the planet: thank fucking god social media wasn’t too big when we were in HS.  Facebook was around and that was pretty much it.  It still fucked some people over, as there were multiple instances where an athlete was popped for being in the background of a pic with booze in it at an underage party, but nothing like today.  Can’t do shit without leaving some digital footprint.  Social Media 101


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