A Texas Tech Player's Mom Surprised Him On Senior Night But Was Upstaged By Dennis Rodman

Senior Nights are happening all over the country and every single school tends to have something awesome. Over the years we’ve seen tears, we’ve seen engagements, we’ve seen buzzer beaters and at Texas Tech last night we saw Brandon Francis’ mom surprise him and then Dennis Rodman in the locker room.

Both were awesome.

Francis hasn’t seen his mom in two years and this was the first time she ever saw him play college basketball. Francis is from the Dominican Republic and his mom finally got her visa approved to come over and see him. That’s pretty wild all in itself as Francis – the transfer from Florida – has turned into a great piece for the Red Raiders. You can see the emotion when he sees his mom come down the stands and it’s just one of those that hit you right in the feels.

Then there’s Dennis Rodman showing up in the locker room. I don’t know why Dennis Rodman is there – he has no ties to Tech besides being from Texas – but it’s hilarious. You have coaches dancing. You have players celebrating. You have The Worm standing there like he’s watching a stripper and a horse together (shout out KFC Radio episode).

The real highlight of the night though was Andrew Sorrells – you may remember him as the guy who got screamed at by Chris Beard for throwing a lob earlier this year – checking into the game and immediately banking in a 3.

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