I've Never Lost the Fiesta Bowl In My Life Double Mortal Lock

I just had to chime in on this one real quick. Per usual I’ve been dominating Bowl Season. I think my last loss was that Duke game in which they fumbled and then promptly gave up 14 points in the last 35 seconds of the game. But other than that I’ve been lights out and I love tonight’s game. Not only do I think KState covers tonight, but I think they win outright. And either way it’s going way over.

As a side note tonight’s game is everything that is wrong with the BCS. Both teams have just as much right to be playing in the National Title game as Alabama does. Each team lost to a quality opponent. Why is Alabama in this game over either of them? Because Alabama plays in the big bad SEC? Give me a break. KState played a much tougher schedule. It’s a joke. And spare me this 4 team playoff format too. That’s just as bad. Under that format Kstate still would have been left out in favor of Florida who just got their testicles removed by Louisville. There will never be a true national champion until all major conference champions automatically qualify for the playoff and there are at least 8 teams involved. Never.

Double Mortal Lock – Kstate +8 Over 74

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