A Battle In The Final Season Of Game Of Thrones Is Expected To Be The Longest Consecutive Battle Scene Ever Recorded On Film And Took ELEVEN Weeks To Shoot

Insider- HBO’s “Game of Thrones” will break new records in television history this spring. According to a new feature in Entertainment Weekly, one of the six final episodes will contain the “longest consecutive battle sequence ever committed to film.” Filming for this epic episode was done over the course of 11 weeks with primarily night shoots, which meant the stars were sometimes going to bed at seven o’clock in the morning.

“Nothing can prepare you for how physically draining it is,” (Name redacted) told EW’s James Hibberd on the set of season eight. “It’s night after night, and again and again, and it just doesn’t stop […] there are moments you’re just broken as a human and just want to cry.”

Welp my completely unrealistic expectations for the Game of Thrones final season just got raised up about 500 levels. I was already looking forward to movie-like quality out of every episode complete with an ending the ties up everything with a bow on top. I wasn’t hoping for a happy ending or anything of that nature because George RR Martin bled that dream out of me 100 dead favorite characters ago. But I think we all anticipated 6 fantastic episodes of television and a finale we can be happy with before the final credits roll.

However, the more I hear about this final battle, the more my dumb brain is going to get me all overexcited like I’m Jojo the Indian Circus boy. I remember reading about the Battle of the Bastards shoot and thinking there was no way the finished product would match the amount of work that went into it, even with this hype video.

Yet somehow the Battle of the Bastards was even better and more gripping than even my lofty expectations, which will only make me demand Thrones hitting a grand slam with what will likely be most important episode in the history of the show. Taking 11 weeks to film one battle is such a ridiculous number, I don’t know how to fathom it. I’ve been doing my #67in67 rewatch for only 26 days and I feel like I have been watching an episode a night forever. By Week 11, we pretty much know who the real contenders are for the Super Bowl and the idiots in the media have finally realized the Patriots are not actually dead like they said in September while there are only 13 weeks in the entire college football regular season. Yet HBO had all these big actors grinding for more than 20% of the year to film one epic scene against what I imagine will be roughly a kabillion White Walker zombies that will decide the fate of countless beloved and hated characters. Now lets all agree not to talk about this season or scene anymore, because the name I redacted in the story is a pseudo spoiler since we know that character was alive until at least the battle scene happens.

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