Welp, The Celtics Still Fucking Suck

Make that now 5 losses out of their last 6, and 7 out of their last 10 for the Boston Celtics. I guess you may not even want to count their one lone win post break because it was against the Wizards, and once again the Celts went on National TV and made absolute fools of themselves. I know they closed great and actually tried, but how can that excuse 90% of what we just watched? It was once again the same old story of why this team has struggled. The defense this team played in the first half was some of the most uninterested, lifeless, lazy defense I’ve seen them ever play. Absolutely no resistance gave the Rockets layups after layups, then on the other end they shot themselves in the foot early with a billion turnovers in the first quarter. Right away the Rockets jumped out to a 10-0 lead in points off turnovers and it was an uphill climb from there. Next thing you knew they were down 28 points and it was another disaster.

Honestly, everyone was to blame for how this team looked early. The defensive effort from every player that hit the floor was simply unacceptable. Kyrie and Al were the only ones to make a shot early which didn’t help either, and the frustrating part is about it all is this is happening on their home floor. It’s honestly beyond embarrassing at this point. Given everything this team has gone through since the trade deadline, how do you keep coming out so flat? How many times can we hear Brad and everyone else say they need to be better without actual evidence of it? Where are Brad’s adjustments, where are the players showing up and being ready to play, this is March for crying out loud and it’s insulting to have to watch this type of dogshit.

By the time this team finally woke up and actually made a run, it was too late. Fourth quarter OREB (4) and late turnovers ultimately cost them the comeback, and it just goes to show you how hard it is to come back from 28 goddamn points. It’s almost as if the Celtics could just find a way to be sort of shitty instead of absolutely pathetic they’d almost never lose. Instead, they put up this sort of effort for 3 quarters, allow 21 3PM, get absolutely nothing from guys like Mook and Hayward, and frankly not a damn thing looks different.

Which is why on Tuesday in GS if we don’t see Jaylen in the starting lineup, we riot. He’s earned that right to start over Mook and this game was the latest example. It was his energy that even made it possible to consider a comeback, and it’s time Brad wake the hell up and realize Mook needs to return to the second unit.

Good news is the Warriors are up next, not like they’re good or anything. Time to drink.

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