Cuncel Da Knicks?

I was all set to officially Cuncel the Knicks last night after I saw Tyson Chandler’s knee injury. Thought for sure that was a season ending type of knee injury. But apparently he’s probable for this Thursday and it just looked a lot worse than it is. That, or Tyson Chandler realizes this ship is sinking and if he misses any time this team is fucked. And on the flip side of things Carmelo wanted to try and show off against his old team and failed miserably and is now getting his knee drained after tripping over his own two feet 2 weeks ago. Waits until the team is down 35 points and pulls a Reverse Willis Reed and walks off the court during a time out. Hell of a franchise cornerstone.

So while this might not be a pinpoint, absolute Cuncel because they’ve still probably got some playoff games in their future and anything can happen. And I know the media and the rest of the world are gonna be in a frenzy to give up on the Knicks. But the reality of the matter is they’re showing their age. Their leader is, I guess, injured and playing like a bag of shit. The veterans that were so valuable earlier in the year have either disappeared literally or metaphorically. The writing is on the wall – since the middle of December they’ve steadily declined, and without Melo at 110% theres no way they this around. Not to the tune of being a #2 seed in the east the way they’ve been all season. 4, 5 seed comin up? Potentially/probably 6? Luckily Chicago is just as lost as the Knicks right now otherwise I could see things getting real ugly.



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