Aaron Judge Has No Regrets For Playing 'New York, New York' In Fenway During The ALDS And He's 100% Right

NY Post

“That speaker will still be with me,” Judge told The Post at George M. Steinbrenner Field, where the Yankees defeated the Pirates 8-6. “I’ll still be playing songs after we win on getaway days. Nothing will change.”

Nothing should change for Judge, already one of the most respected and respectful players in the industry at 26. Really, if there’s a lesson to be learned from “New York, New York”-gate, it doesn’t concern attitude or actions. It concerns nothing more serious than logistics:

“That’s the funny thing,” Judge explained. “On getaway days, I play music if we win, every single time. But most of the time, nobody hears it, because there’s usually tunnels that we’re going through to the bus.

Listen, I know shit hit the fan in the worst way possible during the ALDS last year. People actually blamed Aaron Judge for the loss because he played ‘New York, New York’ on his speakers while leaving Fenway after tying the series up at one apiece. Our very own Coley Mick said Aaron Judge will never win another playoff game for the rest of his career. Blasphemous. The single most outrageous thing ever said on this planet. Judge wasn’t close to the reason they lost the series. The guy hit two homers and had an OPS way over 1.000, fuck outta here. I put way more blame into Cashman saying the Damage quote than Judge’s speakers. It’s not even close. Cashman has to shut his mouth. You’re the GM, be a GM.

I want Aaron Judge to bring his speakers EVERYWHERE he goes and he’s going to. Don’t back down, just go harder. If you abandon ‘New York, New York’ as a song of this team you are letting the enemy win. If you don’t play music after the team wins on getaway days you are letting the people up North win. Fuck ‘em.

‘New York, New York’ Gate was blown so out of proportion last year because that’s what Boston people do. They invent bulletin board material out of thin air and use it for their advantage. The Pats do it all the time and the Sox did it last year. It worked, good for them. All of that stuff in the postseason is last year. I hit the Men in Black flashy thing and I’m onto this year. We’re still going to play music after we win. We’re still going to play ‘New York, New York’ at Yankee Stadium. Nothing is going to change. The Sox won the battle, but not the war. Opening Day is less than a month away and I cannot wait another second.

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