Ronda Rousey & Becky Lynch Are AT EACH OTHER'S THROATS On Twitter Right Now And It's Phenomenal

Fucking. Phenomenal.

Amazing. This is my favorite feud the WWE has thrown together in years, no hyperbole.

From the reference to ‘The Room’, to Ronda telling Becky she wishes she had a dick, to Becky calling Ronda’s husband Travis Browne a dick, to a WWE superstar telling a fellow WWE superstar she was going to “beat the living shit” out of her in the year of our lord 2019, I literally scrolled through that entire thread like Big E with his big ol’ bucket of popcorn.

Ronda Rousey literally having enough pull with the company (as their legitimate biggest star right now) to get away with going super non-PG on Twitter for the sake of promoting this year’s WrestleMania main event – giving the hardcore fans the edge we loved so much during the Attitude Era, and likely not reaching the kids WWE aims to appeal towards – creating a best-of-both-worlds scenario for everyone, is the best shit in the world. Fuck, that sentence was long. Probably a run on. I don’t care.

Overall, this year’s WrestleMania is shaping up very nicely, when you think about it, and credit to the McMahons – seems to be the first of its kind in four or five years that aims to please its fans, as crazy as that sounds.

P.S. Make no mistake about it, this is a work.

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