Dennis Rodman Plans To Ride Through St. Peter's Square In A Popemobile During Conclave To Campaign For The First Black Pope

TMZ - Dennis Rodman — fresh from his basketball summit in North Korea — is now setting his sights on fixing those pesky problems plaguing the Catholic Church … because he’s jetting to Rome today in hopes of meeting the new Pope. Rodman tells TMZ … his “people” in Rome have been in touch with the muckety mucks at the Vatican and they’re trying to arrange a sit-down with the next person to don the big funny hat. Rodman — who wants to be there when the white smoke fills the air — is gambling just a bit, because the Cardinals are voting today and Rodman won’t land until late tonight.  But our top Catholic source — Shevonne — tells us … it’s unlikely anyone will get the nod on the first vote. As for what Dennis wants to accomplish … he tells TMZ, “I want to be anywhere in the world that I’m needed … I want to spread a message of peace and love throughout the world.”

CBS - Rodman said he plans to return to North Korea in August to vacation with Kim, who is a diehard basketball fan. But the five-time NBA champion plans to do some other international traveling before then. In a bizarre twist, the Hall of Famer is expected to arrive in St. Peter’s Square on Wednesday in a makeshift popemobile as he campaigns for Cardinal Peter Turkson of Ghana to become the church’s first black pope.

The Worm is crashing Conclave! Absolutely nobody on the planet is cockier than Dennis Rodman right now. Fresh off of opening the doors to North Korea, dude is planning on riding through St. Peter’s Square in a motherfuckin Popemobile. Preaching the good word of Black Pope. I mean if that doesn’t get white smoke flowing through the chimney for Petey Turkson I don’t know what will. I mean its almost unfair when you think about it. You’ve got one of the hottest ambassadors on the planet right now endorsing you for Pope. If I was a white Cardinal I’d just give up right now. Unless you got the Worm backing you, you’re probably fucked.

So at this rate, Dennis Rodman is practically a super hero right? Brokering peace with the Super Villains of the world. Rendezvousing with the religious leaders from all over the globe. Doing his best to spread a message of peace and love throughout the world. Its fucking Worm Man! Of course, along with the message of peace and love he’ll be spreading Hep C and a slew of other STDs. Probably leave a trailer of drugs and hookers in his wake. But whatever. A man is just flesh and blood and can be ignored or destroyed. But as a symbol…as a symbol, he can be incorruptible, everlasting. He is…The Worm.

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