DeMarcus Cousins Should Be Allowed To Throw A Shoe At This Ref's Stupid Face After One Of The Worst Calls Of All Time

You never know what you’re going to see during an NBA game, but I am confident in saying last night we saw one of the most ridiculous technical fouls in NBA history. If you missed the play involving Boogie and Jeremy Lamb’s shoe, let’s all have a look

As you can see Lamb had his own Zion moment coming off a screen and receiving a pass from Kemba as his shoe popped off. No big deal, happens all the time to players. Obviously that’s a pretty big hazard considering the Hornets still had the ball and there were a ton of players surrounding that shoe that still have to play defense

So what does Boogie do? He does the right thing an gets that shoe the hell out of the way before someone gets seriously hurt. An act that should be applauded in my opinion, but because he gave it a little to hard of a toss and it went into the crowd, this jackass of an official decided to give him a technical. I mean come on man use your brain for me one time! I don’t care if there’s a rule that says you can’t throw anything into the crowd, use common sense for crying out loud. The Warriors announcer put it perfectly. There’s the rule, and then there’s the spirit of the rule. I could understand if Boogie took off his own shoe and threw it at a guy who was trolling him in the crowd or something. That’s bad and warrants a tech and possibly more. But clearing out a shoe that could seriously injure someone while play is still going on? How is that what the rule was intended to prevent?

And look Boogie will usually do enough to warrant techs, he’s always among the league leaders, but this ain’t it chief. I don’t know if it was his reputation that caused this tech, but I’d be curious to see if this call is happened if Steph makes this same move. Probably not. Just an absolutely ridiculous call and an abuse of power by this official, he should be ashamed of himself. After the game as you can imagine Boogie had some thoughts about the play

Show me where he’s wrong? He’s a guy coming back from a serious achilles injury and all he was doing was preventing someone from having a similar fate, if not himself from accidentally stepping on it while playing defense and re-injuring himself. People may not always agree with Boogie’s actions but I am confident in saying 100% of people who saw this play are on his side. Honestly one of the worst calls I’ve seen not just this season, but maybe ever and I don’t really care what the rule technically says. Sad to see the NBA doesn’t care about player safety after all that bullshit they preach about rest, limiting back to backs, and all that stuff. When it comes to that they want to protect the players, but when there’s an active land mine on the floor that could end someone’s career, well then they’re on their own.

Not to be overlooked by this incident, Boogie was also pretty dominant last night and is starting to round into form, so that’s terrifying

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