This Video Of An Alleged Drunk Driver Speeding Down A Sidewalk, Almost Hitting A Guy, And Crashing Is Fucking WILD

Ahhhh, nothing like lighting up a Dutch outside your local bodega, taking a load off after a long day at work, and watching Marty McFly return from 1985 to a sidewalk that wasn’t there when he left the past. If you are the guy on the sidewalk, you better thank whatever God you believe in (or if you don’t have a God, pick one and thank Him/Her/It) and then buy the most expensive scratch off at that bodega along with their finest malt liquor. Because that dude had no business surviving that video.

I’m not even surprised that the drunk driver wasn’t hurt, either. Okay, I’m a little surprised. But that’s how these things always seem to go. A mother and her 3 kids driving home from a soccer game while doing the speed limit usually die in these incidents while the drunk driver leaves without a scratch. With the weekend starting once this work day ends, I ask that everybody drinking tonight either have a DD, take an Uber, or do anything else other than get behind the wheel drunk. And if you do drive drunk, you are rebuked.

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