World's Hottest, Sexiest Couple Stole $1.2 Million From The Church To Go On Vacation

NBC News - A church administrator who handled the finances for an Upper St. Clair church siphoned $1.2 million from church accounts over the course of about 17 years for himself and his wife to use, according to a detective with the Allegheny County District Attorney’s Office.

David and Connie Reiter of South Park are accused of spending money stolen from Westminster Presbyterian Church on vacations, restaurants, scrapbooking supplies, Pittsburgh Pirates tickets, medical expenses groceries, bills and more, according to a criminal complaint filed in the case.


What a couple! Mama Mia! At first when I saw this story, I was like “decent story, borderline bloggable”. But then I saw the couple in question in this story and I couldn’t have blogged it quick enough. What a sexy ass couple! No wonder they were stealing money to go on vacation, I imagine they were just getting it on in every hemisphere all day every day off camera every way. Normally I wouldn’t support the stealing of millions of dollars from the church, but when you look like they do, you make the rules. The seas part for you and you walk on water. The laws of physics are pushed and the laws of the United States don’t apply. It’s just the perks of being that hot, that raw, that bad ass. A modern day Bonnie and Clyde, if you will.

Unfortunately for good looking people everywhere, the state wants to prosecute them. Sad! You steal $1.2 million from the house of the lord and all of a sudden you’re the enemy? The bad person? Sheesh. At least they’ll always have their looks, and no judge nor jury can ever take that away from em.

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