Biggest Game of The Season

Knicks have won 3 in a row, 7 of 9 at home. Seemed to righted the ship. At least in the short term. 2-0 against Miami this season, winning both games by a 20 point margin. But Miami is on another planet right now. Winners of 14 in a row and looking like the entire rest of the NBA is just playing to see who will lose to them in the Finals this year.

And the icing on the cake is that its at the Garden. Under the bright lights of the Basketball Mecca. Part of me is absolutely terrified of Lebron one-upping Steph Curry and dropping a double nickel on a Sunday afternoon prime time game. Or some disgusting 35 10 and 10 LBJ shit. But that game against Golden State showed the Knicks can handle absolutely anything when they play their best basketball. Limit your turnovers, hit your threes, and play big defense in key situations – thats when the Knicks win. Its not my favorite basketball game plan. I’m a much more old school defense/rebounding/go to the hoop kinda guy. Thats why I still can’t buy into this team with all my heart and soul. But the run and gun offense with a handful of point guards and the Big Man holding down the defense in the middle – thats what the Knicks do and thats what the Knicks do well. Doesn’t matter who’s suiting up against them if they can execute on those three fronts. Today against Miami is no different.

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