A Stuffed Whale Penis From The 19th Century Went For A Whooping $6,000 At An Auction

Atlas Obscura- EVERYONE HAS A PRICE, SO they say—and as it turns out, so does everything. A taxidermied sperm whale penis from the late 19th century? That’ll set you back nearly $6,000, according to the precedent set by yesterday’s second annual “Out of the Ordinary” auction at Sworders in the United Kingdom. Mark Wilkinson, a specialist at Sworders, says he was very excited when this item was consigned to the auction house by a private collector, who had it for about 20 years. “It’s basically the height of myself,” Wilkinson says. At 167 centimeters, it’s nearly five-and-a-half feet long, and nearly one foot wide at its thickest part. Luckily, it’s not so heavy—just 18 pounds—allowing Wilkinson to pose comfortably for a once-in-a-lifetime photo op. “You can see that I’m not struggling with the weight,” he says, relieved.

Everybody needs to find what makes you happy. That was my main takeaway from the stuffed whale penis story. Find what makes you happy and do that, doesn’t matter what it is. Unless it’s murder or pedophilia. If it’s murder or pedophilia that makes you happy, don’t do those things. Those are fucked up and super illegal. But just about anything else is fair game.

For instance, the guy in this story loves whales and their giant penises. That’s a weird thing to love but it’s legal and he loves them. He REALLY loves them. He loves them so much in fact that he was willing to pull out his checkbook, write down $6,000 and hand the check over to an auctioneer. And boom. He’s now the proud owner of a stuffed whale penis from the 1800s.

Just look at how happy this mother fucker is

A solid mix of creepy and happy there. Hard to not look creepy while holding an 18-pound stuffed whale dick but that guy looks especially creepy. The bottom line is get out there and find what makes you happy. You might end up at a weird auction paying top dollar for a whale cock but at least you’ll be happy.

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