The Challenge: War Of The Worlds Episode 2: Here's What Happened

So last week’s episode ended with the veterans being paired with new prospects as teams and it seems like the challenges are only going to get wilder from here on out. This week’s episode starts back at the house with Cara Maria giving Josh the low down on his partner Amanda, using really flattering words such as “satan” and “evil human being.” It also seems like Wes is confident that he found a good alliance with Hunter and Nany and Turbo are ready to compete and win money.

The challenge begins with Amanda using her favorite word “bitch” saying she hopes to be “running these bitches over.” I am fairly confident that’s one of the only words she has in her dictionary, like I said in the first episode recap blog. I need to start doing a “bitch” count on Amanda. This episode had at least 5. I actually just went to her twitter to see if she says “bitch” as often on there and this was the first tweet:

Point proven. But anyways…

In this challenge, the veterans get to pick their opponents based on where they ranked last week.  Johnny Bananas naturally picks Wes as his opponent which automatically makes this the most interesting battle considering their past beef.  If Johnny calls out Wes and loses it then it’s complete embarrassment for Johnny but as usual, Johnny Bananas ends up beating him like he should.

Cara Maria and Theo also won which makes me happy but the part that pissed me off is Amanda and Josh winning. Good for Johnny Bananas, good for Cara Maria, but fuck Amanda. She says she thinks Bananas and Cara are awful people but in my opinion, she’s an awful person. Which brings us to the house drama…

Amanda ends up voting for Zach and Zahida to be put up for elimination which isn’t shocking because Amanda and Zach have had drama since last season. Johnny being the jokester that he is says that he’s going to rid the evil of Amanda in the house and starts performing rituals around the house as an exorcism…

The drama between Amanda and Zach ends up pulling Jenna in because she’s dating Zach. Amanda being the snake that she is, ends up causing a fight between Zach and Jenna by telling Jenna that Zach was on bumble and other dating sites after the last season. I understand if you wanna help a girl friend out by telling her that her boyfriend is fucking up, but Amanda and Jenna aren’t friends and Amanda only did that to stir shit up because she knows they hate each other. She even tried dragging Da’vonne into it. Fuuuuck that.

This causes a big fight between Jenna and Zach because obviously NOBODY is going to pleased about hearing their boyfriend on bumble. It seems like the problem was fixed fairly quickly as Jenna said she didn’t want to break up with Zack and that she trusts him that it was just a misunderstanding. I’m not too worried about their relationship because they seem to be perfectly fine and in love on Instagram…

Other house drama included Hunter becoming a wild man and wanting to fight with everyone in the house including Leroy. I wanted Leroy to fuck up Hunter so bad, and Leroy is right. Put some goddamn respect on his name one time. He has been in the game way longer than any of you.

But this episode did follow the perfect formula. Challenge, drama, and then elimination.

The teams head to elimination in which Hunter and Georgia are voted in to the killing floor. At this point in the elimination round, Hunter and Georgia can pick any team to go against so Hunter calls out Ashley and Chase to go into the killing floor against them.

Honestly this was such a bold move by Hunter that I have to respect it. He could have been a pussy and went for someone else but he wanted revenge. If he lost to Ashley again it would have been an all time embarrassing moment but he took the risk and…

BAM! Hunter and Georgia come out with the win sending the reigning champ home. Sweet Sweet victory for Hunter. Ashley was the champ and got beat by a rookie aka Georgia. Tough pill to swallow for sure and I definitely think she needed to be knocked down a peg, but she still has that million bucks though…

And of course, It wouldn’t be the a challenge episode if TJ didn’t come in with a twist…

I don’t know what the fuck a relic is or what that’s supposed to mean but I can’t wait for next week to find out!

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