This Picture Of Jim Harbaugh Taking Out His Trash In Full Harbaugh Gear Is Too Perfect



(source) Jim Harbaugh has been the subject of numerous questions this year. Will he sign a contract extension? Will he leave the 49ers after this season, even if San Francisco wins the Super Bowl? Can he and general manager Trent Baalke co-exist? Does he take out his own trash? Will Colin Kaepernick continue to improve under Harbaugh’s leadership? Unfortunately for us, four of those queries are unanswerable at the moment. Luckily, though, we’ve discovered the answer to one of them. Yes, Harbaugh DOES take out his own trash.

The 49ers official website spent a day in the offseason with Harbaugh and wrote a feature about it. Which you can read right here. Among the highlights on this visit: Harbaugh meets the men who pick up his garbage, he poses for pictures with the owners of a local convenience store, he watches “Judge Judy” with his daughter, he reads stories to his kid’s class, he lets his toddler son pretend to drive. FINALLY, at some point, he actually heads to the office to get some work done.




Just vintage Harbaugh. I know he was probably getting ready for practice or something but still. Seeing Harbaugh doing daily tasks in his outfit is exactly how I envisioned it in my head. Always be ready, never clock out. And the craziest part of this story? The fact that he meets the garbage men at the sidewalk. I bet Harbaugh makes it a competition too. Like on garbage day he sits in his kitchen waiting to hear the truck, then sprints with all of the trashcans to the sidewalk as fast as he can. In his brain there is an epic war being waged between himself and the city’s dumpster trucks. Meanwhile the garbage man is just like, man, why the fuck is this guy out of breath every morning when I come to get his trash. But that’s just Harbaugh life. You bring a glove to the game, you wear cleats to your press conferences and you do wind sprints to meet the trash man. Gotta stay sharp. No Days off.



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