Wilmington Man Serving 15 Years For Attempting To Rob A Pizza Shop Doesn't Give Up And Sues Said Pizza Shop For $260K

DELAWARE – The first time Nigel Sykes tried to get money from the Seasons Pizza in Newport, he did it with a gun, forcing his way into the business through the back door.This time, Sykes is trying to get money from the pizzeria by suing the employees who tackled him and wrestled his gun away during the robbery. Sykes alleges assault in a federal civil complaint claiming the rough treatment was “unnecessary” and that as a result of the injuries he suffered during his attempted hold-up, he is due over $260,000. In his self-written complaint, Sykes admits, “I committed a robbery at Seasons Pizza” on Maryland Ave. on Nov. 30, 2010, just before 8 p.m. He admits he “displayed” a handgun and that an employee – a delivery driver and one of the named defendants – “handed me $140.” “That is when the assault began,” according to Sykes’ suit. “All of the Season’s Pizza employees participated in punching, kicking and pouring hot soup* over my body. I was unarmed and defenseless and had to suffer a brutal beating by all of the employees of Seasons Pizza,” he wrote, adding the beating knocked him unconscious.

Well talk about being a real sore loser. Pretty bold move to try to flip a $140 botched robbery into a cool $260,000 but I guess you gotta find a way to make that paper somehow if you’re spending the next 15 years or so behind bars. And who knows, maybe this bozo can Call Saul, manage to settle this thing out of court and at least get himself that $140 back. In the meantime, Nigel Sykes (not a bad name) may want to come up with a new career path once he’s done serving his sentence because it doesn’t seem like armed robbery has panned out exactly the way he’d like it to. The dude has three other pizza shops, two fast food restaurants, two convenience stores, and a bank on his rap sheet so I guess he hasn’t really given much thought to covering up his tracks. Either way, you can’t go down looking so I can’t say I totally hate this move. Especially since I’m not a Delaware tax payer wasting my money on this scumbag.

*Quick sidenote: Who in their right mind orders soup from a pizza shop?

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