'Avengers: Endgame' Still Has A Runtime Of 3 Hours And Is Reportedly Getting AMAZING Responses From Test Audiences

Collider- Stressing that there is still work to be done in the editing bay, the directors noted that Disney is definitely down for a three-hour epic if it hits the right beats:

“I think the studio is down with what the best story is. Right now, we think the movie is playing well and we’ve had great responses from our test audiences and we’re feeling very good about where it is. We’re still doing work to it. We’re not done with it. Again, this is a culmination film of 22 movies, it’s a lot of storytelling to work into it.”

“Emotion is an intrinsic part of that to us. When you have to tell a really complicated story and you want strong emotional moments with the characters, it just requires a certain amount of real estate. This one, in particular, feels like three hours worth of real estate.”

Back in November of last year, the Russos revealed that “halfway through the editing process” Avengers: Endgame sat around three hours. Before that, in April, the directing duo told Collider that they expected Endgame to be longer than Infinity War, which topped out at two hours and 40 minutes.

So with Endgame still headed toward a three-hour runtime, has there been any talk of an intermission? (Quentin Tarantino‘s The Hateful Eight, which had a three hour and seven minutes runtime, had a mid-point break in 2015.)

“We have screened the movie four times for audiences now,” Anthony Russo told us. “For the first three screenings, not a single person got up to go to the bathroom.”

Alright, at this point I think I owe the Russo Brothers my life.

I would kneel down and pledge to them like Brienne of Tarth did to Lady Catelyn and the Starks right now if I could. Oath and all. I would give my life for theirs, so long as I got to see ‘Endgame’ before the blood was shed. From ‘Winter Soldier’ to ‘Civil War’ to ‘Infinity War’, they’ve ALWAYS known how to hit the right chords with Marvel fans, and from the sounds of ‘Endgame’, they REEEEAAAALLY know what we want. Three hours of pure – excuse my cringeworthy pull from 2009 lexicon – EPICNESS.

Apparently it’s been screened four times now, and nobody has even gotten up to take a pee yet.

There’s probably just puddles of urine all over the ground because everyone is content with becoming a Piss Dawg if it means not missing a second of the final conclusion to TWENTY-TWO god damn connected movies spanning over a decade of time.

Literally make the flick 10 hours, no intermission, and I’m there. Dead serious. I’d almost prefer it. We’re talking the actual majority of my lifetime building to this moment. Just feed me as much Avengers as you are legally capable of feeding me before a few of them gotta kick the bucket.

I never want to let go – and not in that bullshit Rose from ‘Titanic’ way, either. I mean for real. I’d hop right the fuck off that busted-ass door if it meant Tony Stark or Steve Rogers getting on, and I have Raynaud’s Disorder. Horrible circulation. You listening to me? You hear the words I’m saying here? I’d sacrifice my circulation for those guys. That’s how much they mean to me.

April can’t get here soon enough. Thanos – you’re gettin’ what’s coming to you, motherfucker.

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