Chick In Guatemala Arrested With Over $31,000 In Cash Inside Her Stomach

Huff Po – A Guatemalan woman was arrested at Panama’s international airport as she tried to enter the country with more than $31,000 in cash stashed inside her stomach, Panamanian police said Wednesday. The 44-year-old, whose identity was withheld, was arrested Monday after police conducted an X-ray of the woman who was exhibiting “suspicious behavior,” according to the authorities. At least 39 different bundles that had been in her stomach were recovered by police, who estimated a total sum of $31,200. The detainee was expected to expel the remaining bundles at a hospital in Panama City, where the authorities will determine the final amount she was illegally carrying.

Don’t you hate when you take one bite too many? You know you’re full but whatever you’re eating is delicious and you just can’t stop yourself. You know for a fact that next bite of cheesecake or something after a huge meal is undoubtedly gonna make you sick, but you just can’t say no?

Thats what you gotta be feeling when you smuggle thirty one thousand two hundred dollars cash in your fucking stomach. Like when you get to 30K, don’t you think you should stop? Isn’t that a nice, round number of money to smuggle in your stomach? Maybe even you get the extra grand in there. $31,000 in your gut ready to strut right through customs into Panama, no problem. But you got greedy. You got cocky. You wanted that last bite…that last $200. And next thing you know you’ve got 31.2 in your stomach and you’ve overdone it. You look suspicious and the Panamanian police arrest your ass. Now you’re gonna spend the next few days in a Panama City hospital shitting out 30 grand of cash because you couldn’t part with 200 bucks. The key to any diet and/or smuggling operation is portion control and moderation.

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