I'm Calling Bullc**p on That Harry Styles Face Tat Girl

As most people probably know by now, an Unknown Verified went viral today for getting a tattoo of Harry Styles on her face. While that, in and of itself, is one of the literal worst decisions—legal or illegal—that you could possibly make in life, it should also be noted that the tattoo looks less like Harry Styles’ real, human face and more like a third grader with a broken wrist tried to make One Direction fan art on an Etch a Sketch. It looks less like H- the point is that it’s not good. Which begs the question: What the fuck?

From my experience, there is a direct correlation between announcing that you’re “taking a break from social media” on social media and having a desperate craving for more social media attention. And in the case of a no-name, aspiring singer like Kelsey Karter who conveniently released a new music video today: a desperate craving for more attention to her music.

Seeing this tweet, which was tweeted just a day before her hiatus announcement, is giving me strong publicity stunt vibes. A publicity stunt that rivals Matty B’s infamous fake grounding of 2016.

Also, the artist behind the facial atrocity, Romeo Lacoste, wasn’t a perc addict who gives $10 tats at the skate park, but, conversely, a rich and famous, professional tattoo artist with almost 2 million Instagram followers.

I could be wrong, but something tells me that an established businessman, who’s known for doing work on A-list celebrities, didn’t also do that junior detective police sketch of a frat party date rapist.

As a seasoned troll, I’m not buying this one bit. The “I can’t believe…” caption with the astonished-face-emoji. The forced wincing from her. The fact that the tattoo is already done at the start of the video. It all screams “inexperienced pranksters.”

…or maybe it is real, and she just a gigantic fucking idiot with a treacherously creepy obsession with Harry Styles.

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