Stephen A Smith Was Laying Down Some Serious Game To Serena Williams On Twitter Last Night

Vomit all up in my mouth. I don’t know whats more nauseating, this pathetic attempt by Stephen A Smith, or the fact that some dudes out there find Serena Williams attractive. Serena Williams is about as sexy as Adrian Peterson. I know its more of a white/black thing but I mean, come on:

I don’t care what race you are or what type of women you like, thats monstrosity is not sexy in any way shape or form. And especially in comparison to Beyonce. Beyonce brought the fucking NOISE for black chicks last night. Even your boy KFC had a little jungle fever and I pretty much never want to bang black girls. And Stephen A is out there babbling like a school girl implying Serena Williams would have pulled that outfit off. Repugnant.

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