Soccer Player Billy Sharp Pulls Out Mr. Socko After A Goal Which Means Billy Sharp Is Now My Favorite Soccer Player


Now THAT is how you make soccer big in America. Outrageous celebrations and callbacks to old school WWF favorites. Other than the occasional Twitter storms on Saturday morning, I forget that futbol is the biggest sport on the planet. I fall in love with it during the World Cup, forget about it for 3 years, remember it exists when Outside The Lines reports about the shady shit going down with the next host country and FIFA, then fall in love with it yet again during the following World Cup. Wash, rinse, repeat. But if I could get Messi doing the People’s Elbow after a goal or Cristiano Ronaldo giving out Stone Cold Stunners to anybody that wants one, I may tune in for a quick 90 minute match of footie. But until then, I will stick to my American sports and old school WWE highlights, like the birth of the Mr. Socko character.

Mankind getting thrown off the Hell In A Cell

The best of the legendary Rock & Sock Connection

And Mick Foley’s Top 10 Hardcore Moments, which to be honest I do not have the stomach for last night.

That dude is a goddamn maniac and King of the Common Man.

Blogger’s Note: Billy Sharp is my new favorite soccer player but I still reserve the right to tweet MESSI!!! on Twitter when everyone else is saying it so I seem cultured and also have dibs on being part of the Mbappe Hive since I loved watching him during the World Cup and I did not sell my soul by rooting for France for nothing

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