"He's Full Of Shit And A Kiss Ass" - Gregg Popovich On Brett Brown

I’m confused here. Is Gregg Popovich…is Gregg Popovich making a joke? Like a real joke? Is his health okay? Is he about to retire? I’m incredibly worried.

Now, I know Brett Brown and Popovich are best friends and Brown spent time on the Spurs staff, but this is peak Pop. He can’t just accept praise as he was called the best coach in NBA history. A statement that very well may be true. I’d be willing to make the argument for him.

Imagine being the reporter that didn’t laugh though. You have to laugh at a Pop joke. I know they are rare and he’s usually belittling the media, but if you hear a little joke like that, you better start howling like you’re watching Francis Ellis and the $20 Chef perform a standup comedy duet.

This does make me a bit worried though that the rumors are true and Pop may retire after the year. He’s gone a little bit soft with the hugging of Kawhi and now this. This isn’t the hard ass Pop we’ve come to love. I need him on the Spurs bench until at least 2020 when he leads Team USA to the gold medal at the Olympics.

Just don’t be full of shit and a kiss ass.

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