This Video of Lil Wayne Recording Swagga Like Us in his Hotel Room Will Make You Wish it was 2008 Again

This makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Not only because it’s my favorite rapper and the best rapper of all time, but also because it reminds me of my childhood. Simpler days. In 2008 I was in the 8th grade still getting rides to the mall from my friends mom. Acne was attacking me like a hyena and I was developing a respectful nestle of hair on my ball bag. I was spending a strong portion of my days listening to Lil Wayne and watching his documentary videos on youtube. My friends and I all used to swish around our drinks at school and say “this syrup, ain’t no Vitamin Water” just to feel like Weezy, even though we didn’t fully comprehend what syrup was. It was a beautiful time. Getting that inside look of my favorite person on the planet and seeing how cool he was even when he wasn’t rapping was like seeing a superhero in real life. He was like the infinity war of superhero characters all wrapped up into a 5’6 140 pound body. His creative process and how quickly and easily he was able to come up with such a fire verse and record it in a god damn hotel room was nothing short of magical. I’m sitting here today it was 2008 all over again just so I could go back and feel the euphoria I felt when listening to a new song or verse by him for the first time. I can’t even explain with words how excited I used to get with anticipation when Wayne had something on the way. You just had to be apart of that era to experience it.

Weezy was dominating the music world and completing changing the rap game forever. Constantly dropping fire mixtapes, albums, features, he was everyones favorite rapper between 2007-2012. He had the highest peak of any rapper thats ever lived and I’d argue that against anyone. No one has ever had the impact on music that Lil Wayne did. The quality of his music combined with the personality, the clothes, the unmatched confidence and swag, he was the whole package. Every new rapper you see now a days with colored dreads, crazy face tats and big personalities all were influenced by Lil Wayne. Not to mention he put on the next great dominant rapper, the boy Drizzy Drake. I miss when they used to do songs together, that was probably my favorite above anything else. Heres some old Wayne and Drake songs you may not have heard in awhile to bless your ears on a rainy Thursday. I just listened to all these songs and I now will have goosebumps for the rest of the day and won’t listen to anything but Lil Wayne or Drake until at least tomorrow. God Bless.

P.S. Not ashamed at all to admit I used to watch all the songs on youtube with the lyrics on. I used to love that shit when I was a kid. No bigger flex as a 13 year old than when all your friends are singing along to your favorite rap song and you’re the only one powering through that tough part not everyone fully understands.

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