Woman Suing The NYPD Saying Her Husband Killed Himself Because He Was Being Forced Into Having Sex With His Female Sergeant

NY Post – A Queens cop killed himself last year because his female boss made him trade sex for a favorable work schedule, his wife claims in a bombshell lawsuit. Gina Schindler claims her late husband, Officer Matthew Schindler, was forced to have sex with his supervisor, Sgt. Christine Hertzel, to determine his workload and schedule. Schindler, 39, “was made to understand that he would suffer tangible detriment in his job, job assignments, work conditions and future prospects if he did not submit to the sexual advances and demands of Hertzel,” according to the lawsuit filed in Queens Supreme Court. The widow claims in the lawsuit that her husband and Hertzel had “sexual relations” during his time at the 115th precinct in Jackson Heights — from March 2011 until his death on Feb 13, 2012. Schindler “realized and/or believed he could not escape the continuing sexual advances and demands of Hertzel,” the lawsuit said. On Feb. 13, the 15-year veteran told Hertzel he would kill himself over the “guilt” and asked for the affair to stop, the suit says. She allegedly refused. Hertzel told her captain about their relationship and Schindler’s suicide threat, the suit says. The captain allegedly tried to call Schindler to “rectify his hostile work environment and persuade him against suicide,” the lawsuit said.

This is obviously a sad story because theres a woman left without a husband and kids left without a father. But I always think people who kill themselves are kind of assholes. Ultimate selfish move. And if you’re killing yourself because your boss wants to bang you thats 10 times worse. Bro if you’re really that torn up, how about you just stop banging Sergeant Christine? Whats the worst that happens? She makes you work the beat in the hood? Whats the worst that can happen there? You…die? Already took care of that dude! Like no matter how bad your “work conditions” and “job assignments” were, its probably not as bad as being fucking dead.

Plus, in order for a dude to bang a chick theres gotta be a pretty willing participant. You know what I mean? It takes 2 to tango, my man. A dude can be raped or anything. Its like, what, a hot older sergeant made you have sex with her? Stop crying like a little girl. Either keep having sex with her and deal with it or man up and tell her to go find someone elses dick. Don’t go killing yourself like an idiot.

PS – That Sergeant is cold blooded to just ignore a suicide threat and keep demanding sex.

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