Introducing The Cockiest Tweet I've Ever Seen Regarding A Lady's Butthole

Never in my life have I seen such a cocky statement. Im really disappointed in Gracie Tracy here because she knows me and she knows that I have LONG suffered from ailments of which I will not name on the blog because I’m actively trying to do less diarrhea-related content in 2019. It’s not going well.

Anyway, I can’t imagine having a butthole of steel like Gracie Tracy does. I wont order anything spicy while out because I know the fury that would only be held back by the strength of my asshole kegels.

Now kegels are, lest we forget, exercises performed by a woman or a man to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles specifically in the vagina, involving repetitions of both sustained and rapid voluntary contractions of the muscles and used especially to treat urinary incontinence and improve sexual function. When anal kegels are practiced, you can hold back the butt flood that is spaghetti-induced diarrhea.

I have been practicing ass kegels for 6 months now and I have seen a marked improvement. Enough improvement to order a delicious plate of spaghetti and meatballs from Newark airport before a long flight back to Texas? Absolutely not. In time, my dream will come true and I too will have an ass made of kitty litter that will soak up everything that it is thrown at it. Prayers up for your pal Chapsy. I would appreciate it.

Anyway, here’s a lady getting a mold of her butthole. Pretty cool process.

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