I'm Ready To Comment On The Washington Capitals

I must comment on the current going ons with the Washington Capitals. Because things have taken a sharp, terrible turn for the worst. Tragic turn for the worst. We have lost our last 6 in a row. 6!!!! Not great, my friends, not great. In 3 out of the last 4, the Caps have given up either 7 or 8 goals. You read that correctly. 3 out of the last 4.

I have a take: giving up 7 or 8 goals every game isn’t going to cut it. Sorry for the blazing hot take, but it’s just one man’s thoughts.

That being said, it’s not all doom and gloom for the squad. Despite losing 6 in a row, the Caps are still tied for the 3rd most points in the Eastern Conference. Some teams spread out their losses…we get them all at once. It’s not all that terrible, it’s just a bit broken right now. Tampa has a zillion points, the Isles who are red hot right now have 62, and we are tied with Toronto with 60. What team wouldn’t want to be 2 points out of the division lead at this time in the season, especially while in the worst slump in years? We are basically where we were last year at this exact time. The losing streak makes it seem so much worse than it actually is, but we’re not a dead team or anything close to that.

Yes, the Caps need to fix this. Holtby isn’t sharp. The defense CERTAINLY isn’t sharp. The offense looked great tonight. What a waste of an Ovi hat trick too. He also moved up the all time scoring list, again.

But it was all for naught as the Sharks scored with 1 second remaining in regulation and potted the GW in OT. A brutal, brutal, brutalllll loss. One more game before the much needed All Star break. Boy do they need this. It’s like Christmas for them, it cannot come soon enough. I fully expect them to come out of the gates fresh and ready to dominate after the break. Just get us there first, for the love of god.




PS: Fire Bruce Allen

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