Should James Harden Be Suspended For Bullying TJ McConnell Over His Height?

Wow, James Harden. Wow. I mean it’s 2019 and we still have people like you out there pulling shit like this? I thought we were well passed this as a society. I guess I was sorely mistaken.

As somebody who can maybe reach 5’10” on my tippy toes, I am grossly offended by James Harden thinking that bullying anybody over their height is acceptable behavior in today’s world. This right here just makes me sick to my stomach.

We should be trying to make the game more inclusive so that athletes of all heights can play basketball. But to a kid out there who might be a little on the shorter side watching this game last night? Well he or she is going to see the way that James Harden is treating TJ McConnell here and they’re going to be turned off from basketball forever. It’s a damn shame.

And it’s not even like TJ McConnell is that short. He’s 6’2″. Harden only has 3 inches on him. I mean if NBA stars are bullying players who are over 6′ tall, just imagine what they’d do to a guy like myself who is 5’8″ as long as I have good posture and I’m not slouching. All I’m saying is that James Harden’s actions are not only insensitive, but they could have some serious consequences on the future generations of the game. And for that, I think it’s only right that the NBA hands him down a suspension for disrespected TJ like this. Give him some time to think about what he’s done.

But if the NBA comes out and they say that James Harden has suffered for his actions enough after getting tag teamed by Joel Embiid and Corey Brewer all night?

Well then I’d understand and respect that decision.


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