NBA Issues Cease And Desist To "Knicklyn" Fan Selling Knicks-Nets Gear

NY Post - A diehard Knick fan from Brooklyn is crying foul over the NBA’s treatment of his loyalist Web site, Knicklyn. Amid the hype around his Manhattan team’s rivalry with the new Brooklyn Nets, Mike Sorisi, 26, created an online fan base for Knicks loyalists such as himself who live in Brooklyn, home to its first new major-league sports team in more than 50 years. Sorisi coined the term “Knicklyn” to represent fans whose loyalty may be divided between the Knicks, one of the league’s original franchises, and the Nets in Brooklyn, one of the city’s most pride-filled boroughs. Sorisi designed a clever logo to go with the moniker and started selling hats and stickers. Days later, the NBA unleased a full-court press ordering him to cease and desist, claiming trademark infringement, he said. “I kind of feel like I’m being bullied,” Sorisi said. “I’m one person operating this thing, and I need to sell goods to cover my costs.” “ ‘Knicklyn’ has provided an identity for many fans like myself whose loyalty remains with the New York Knicks despite having a Brooklyn address,” Sorisi said. “Brooklyn is my home. New York is my team.”

You gotta be a Grade A asshole if you walk around wearing “Knicklyn” gear. It may be worse than the clowns who show up to a baseball game wearing a Yankee jersey and a Mets hat. It could potentially be worse than those people who wear football jerseys that are split in half, one side Jets one side Giants.

This town is filled with like 50 sports teams but you only get to root for half of them. Thats the fucking deal. There are certain allegiances that absolutely need to be followed – Mets/Jets and Yankees/Giants. If you break ranks in that department you’re a real asshole. The minute you start mixing Mets and Giants or Jets and Yankees you’re a gypsy who can’t be trusted. Because everything you represent as one fan gets completely contradicted by the other team if you start mixing and matching MLB and NFL teams in New York. Now, the one thing this city always had in common was the Knicks – thats why it was awesome back when the Knicks were good before their 15 year dark period. Everyone could finally be on the same page for once. Now that the Nets came along I guess there’s some some dissension in the basketball world too. Which is fine – I know I contemplated jumping ship on the Knicks after Isaiah And Jim Dolan seemingly ruined the franchise intentionally, well before the Nets ever arrived in Brooklyn. But pick a fucking ship and and stay on it. You can’t be on two goddam ships at once. There’s no rooting for the Mets and Yankees “because you support New York” and there’s no such thing as being a fuckin “Knicklyn” fan. This dude Mike should get a cease and desist strictly for being an asshole.

PS – Rooting against the Patriots at all times is part of being a Jets fan. I can’t help it that they keep losing to the fucking Giants.

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