Joel Embiid Tweets Out He's A Laker, Instantly Deletes All Evidence

Hmmmm. Some shady shit going down in the Embiid camp. It’s either a spontaneous Tweet on the Perc’s or there’s a backroom deal already in place…in which he accidentally Tweeted out in excitement because of the Perc’s. A LOT of insiders now have him going to the Sixers at 3, but we’ll see what happens. Personally I wouldn’t mind seeing them pass on Embiid, but if Hinkie takes him the fans should still be excited. The dude’s a potential beast IF healthy. Ball don’t lie except when you’re made of glass.

That is if he would ever want to play in Philly. #WeAllFromAfrica, but kind of wanna live in LA cause it’s the certified tits.

Also, sweet 1% of life left on that wildman’s iPhone. Talk about living life on the edge. I blackout from anxiety when the 10% warning pops up and this trendsetter is taking screenshots with no regard for mankind. Pure lunacy.


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