Does This Look Like The Face Of A Broad In Jail For The Last 4 Days Because She Stole Cigarettes 22 Years Ago?

NBC NewsFor one Connecticut woman in Florida, the saying “better late than never” doesn’t apply. Robin Hall was arrested because of a bill she didn’t pay 22 years ago and to make matters worse, she’s also been stuck in jail for the last four days. “I just want it to be all over so I can go home,” Hall said from her Brevard County Jail, Florida. She shoplifted cigarettes from a Wal-Mart back in 1991. For that Hall owes the state $85. The family had been aboard the Disney Dream cruise ship and Brevard County police officers were waiting for her as she left the boat. Police said Hall failed to pay the $85 in court costs when she was 18 and when they checked the ship’s passenger list for terrorists, they found a warrant for Hall. Since the incident she has put herself through college and now helps design jet engines for Pratt & Whitney. “I take full responsibility for what I did but I do not believe I deserve this,” Hall said. The Brevard County Jail won’t let her post bail because it’s a charge from a different county and she has to be transferred there. Yet with the long holiday weekend that might not be until Thursday.

Yet another example of the #1 lesson all women still haven’t learned – don’t let yourself be fat & ugly. It’s that simple. Shit like this doesn’t happen to hot chicks. Ask any good-looking girl you know and they have at least one story of how they were “given a warning” for drunk texting & driving into oncoming traffic. If there’s a pig in ear shot, she’ll undoubtedly squeal about how she just went to court for going 56 in a 55. That’s life, ladies, and getting red-flagged during a terrorist check for swiping Marlboros is no different. If you’re even a semi-smoke met by cops serving a 22 year-old shoplifting warrant, you got a little room for negotiating. Cry, wink, squeeze your tits together or something and you go home. 300 lb. pigs waddling off a Disney Dream cruise in Goofy sweats & Mickey ears, on the other hand, get to spend a week in the clink over $85.

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