Cincinnati Head Coach Mick Cronin Calls College Refs 'Tough Guys' Who Need To Be Reevaluated

So last night Mick Cronin was ejected in Cincinnati’s game. It was a bizarre ejection. It was a pretty quick technical and ejection and if you watched the game he really wasn’t doing much. You can hear him explain it in the video above. He had two different refs give him technicals.

But, here’s what I love. He’s calling out officials. He’s not the first coach to do it this year. Samford’s Scott Padgett called out Karl Hess for getting in his face during a game earlier this year. Officials need to be called out. They need to be put in check because it is bullshit how much they influence a game without really any repercussions. I mean last week refs missed a clear walk which was a game-winner and got suspended for just one game. That’s not going to change anything.

Calling refs tough guys is my new favorite thing though. It’s such a beautifully constructed backhanded jab. Like calling someone pal. Just needs to be used more.

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