Louis C.K. Is Currently Losing His Mind On Twitter And Making Absolutely No Sense About Anything (UPDATE - He's Not High)




Ummmmm, I don’t get it? Is this a long joke that I’m too dumb to understand or is Louis CK slowly losing his mind? This is sort of like when Pres does something dumb and then says he’s just trolling people. You never quite know, and that’s why you just have to say fuck it and let it play. Well Louis CK has been funny enough for a long enough time that if he wants to go on a rant about planets and people-y orbits and the sun being an engine I’m just going to assume it’s a new bit he’s testing out and it will be hilarious when I see it on HBO in 6 months from now. Either that or he’s doing acid/having a seizure in real time.







Yup, totally not high Louis. Got it.



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