Kanye West Is Donating $10 MILLION To A Guy Who's Been Trying To Carve A Crater In The Desert Since 1977

Source - Kanye West embarked on an art pilgrimage last month to the ethereal, glowing light installations of artist James Turrell. On Monday, the rap star said he’s donating $10 million to the Turrell Art Foundation to help fund Roden Crater Project—an extinct volcano in northern Arizona where Mr. Turrell has been embedding works for more than four decades.

Mr. West, who champions contemporary artists like Takashi Murakami and Vanessa Beecroft, visited Roden Crater with Mr. Turrell on Dec. 11. Two days later, he tweeted that the experience was “life-changing,” adding that one day “we will all live in Turrell spaces.”

Mr. West returned a few days later with his team, who tweeted a photo of the rapper bundled up and overlooking the site.

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