Local TV Commercial For Boner Pills Shows Women Having Trouble Walking After Their Husbands Use It

(Get it? The women are having trouble walking because their husbands finally got boners and fucked them. You get it.)

Martin Scorsese. Steven Spielberg. Quentin Tarantino. Whoever directed that commercial. That’s my Mount Rushmore of Greatest Directors Of All Time. I originally had Stanley Kubrick on the list but then I saw that commercial for boner pills last night and my hands were tied. Somebody had to get bumped.

Certain people are born to be certain things. Their god given talent pushes them in a undeniable direction. For instance, Kevin Durant was born to get buckets, Daniel Day Lewis was born to act, Wayne Gretzky was born to play hockey and the guy who made that boner pills commercial was born to make cheesy local TV commercials about boner pills. It’s a masterpiece is what it is. I once read that Tarantino once said he knew he wasn’t gonna die before making Pulp Fiction because it was his destiny. I’d argue the same goes for the genius behind that boner pills commercial. It was his destiny to make that piece of art.

Are the women in that commercial famous locally? Like when they’re walking around the farmer’s market on the weekends are people pointing at them and taking pictures with them? I bet they are. Those women had to be the talk of the town when the commercial first aired.

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