Woman Goes Into A Full Spaz After Being Caught Leaving Her Dog In The Car While Shopping At Wal-Mart

Anyone who leaves their pet in the hot car for an extended period of time is a total piece of shit. There’s no doubt about it. But whipping out a “Stupid cunt white whore” to a complete stranger is almost impressive. It takes a lot of scum to come that close to a quadruple whammy of insults when you’re in the wrong. Replace white with cracker and we’ve got ourselves a Golden Sombrero of racism.

I’ll tell you what, I feel for this poor guy right here:

The eye roll at 1:44 said it all. Trent’s making $20K a year and just trying to diffuse the situation with the least amount of effort and most amount of apathy as possible. He’s stuck with 60 hour work weeks with no benefits and with his entire paycheck going straight back into Wal-Mart for the finer things in life like food and clothes. The last thing he needs is to be forced in between PETA and Precious.

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